"People who want to have continual abortions push embryonic stem cell research, because they want to be able to cite a reason that killing babies is beneficial to human health."
-- William R. Prather, MD, explaining why President Obama has "guaranteed" he will sign an executive order allowing federal funding if embryonic stem cell research.
"The federal government is bankrupt. In a post-Enron world, if the federal government were a corporation such as General Motors, the president and senior Treasury officers would be in a federal penitentiary."
-- economist John Williams, "Federal Obligations Exceed World GDP," World Net Daily 2/14/09
What is really needed is another Reformation. Nearly 500 years after Luther pounded in his 95 Theses at Wittenberg, things are grim. The doctrinal chaos and confusion, the inroads of eastern pagan spirituality, the grossly compromised circus churches, the shortage of biblical churches, the apostasizing of once solid seminaries—all of it points to carnal and wayward Christianity. Only a sovereign move of God can change the way things are. In the meantime, believers are findings spiritual food where they can in the middle of the local church famine, and are finding fellowship with other believers who are also well aware of the spiritual state of things.
-- Slice of Laodicea, "Quitting Church: Why the Faithful Are Fleeing," 2/16/09
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