Monday, November 24, 2008

Rescuing the Gospel from Evangelicals: Kirk Cameron & John MacArthur On...TBN?

TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) has become known for false teaching, but Pastor John MacArthur and Kirk Cameron (Fireproof) hit the nail on the head here.

This is the uncompromised Gospel!

If you haven't seen the movie Fireproof yet, don't wait another minute.

(HT: Puritan Fellowship)


Anonymous said...

It is about time that this happened. This kind of stand for the truth is long overdue. I just hope that The Blasphemy Network will listen to the truth.

Shark Food said...

Amen, Josh! Thank you, brother.

Shark Food said...

Amen, Josh! Thank you, brother.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the website. I am a first time visitor.

In Christ,
