Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Heresy Alert: Christians Should "Close Their Churches" and Go Help the Poor Instead

Thanks to Ingrid at Slice of Laodicea for alerting the flock to a new depth in heresy. The drumbeat grows louder by the day for Christians to "just do good" -- "deeds, not creeds!"

"Christians in the US should close their churches and channel their energies into helping the poor.

This is the message from the campaign 'Faith in Action', a resource developed by Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision..."

Yes, you read that correctly. Christians should cease worshipping, and just go out and do good works.

This is heresy, friends, and it is creeping into a church near you.

The Bible teaches that unless and until we are born again,
all our righteousness -- including all our "good works" no matter how seemingly kind and loving -- are as filthy rags to God. Good works do not get anyone to heaven. Our works cannot and will never substitute for the righteousness of God given to sinners freely by grace through Jesus Christ. Doing good works is not the Gospel.

No one who teaches or even suggests that good works are all we need is preaching the Gospel. They are teaching something else.

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