Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Standing on the Firm Foundation of God's Sovereign Grace

Steve Lawson (HT CRN) gives this tremendously comforting word on the wonderful ability to stand firm that comes with the preaching and belief in God's sovereign grace:

"Jesus Christ Himself is the
sole Builder of the church, as He promised: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18b). Christ did not say, “You will build My church.” Neither did He say, “I will build your church.” Instead, Jesus claimed, “I will build My church.” Christ Himself is constructing His church, and like a wise master builder, He is establishing it on a solid bedrock—that of sound doctrine (Eph. 2:20)….The church that is built upon the doctrines of grace is built upon the impregnable rock of divine revelation. How firm a foundation has such a church! But sad to say, the church today seems intent upon withholding the doctrines of grace from her foundation. Instead, she prefers to build with wood, hay, and stubble upon shifting sand. Such a church may have an impressive outward appearance, and therefore attract many. But inwardly, she is unspiritual, unstable, and, worse, even largely unconverted. Such a church, built on such a flimsy foundation, has no hope of standing in days of trial. But church history records that when the church builds with the gold, silver, and precious stones of a God-centered message, she is internally fortified and can withstand the most difficult storms. Even the swirling winds of apostasy, persecutions, and the fiery flames of martyrdom cannot cause her to topple. In fact, whenever the church builds upon the sturdy rock of the sovereign grace of God, she stands immovable even amid the darkest hours of history."

Oh, how we need the preaching and teaching of the doctrines of grace in the Church today!

1 comment:

Tim Brown said...

Hello Jeff:

It was in 1982-83 that I attended Logos Bible Institute at John MacArthur's church. It's now called "Grace Equipping Ministries" and is still (I presume) a non-accredited but excellent ministry.

Anyway, while I was there, I had the honor of John teaching or co-teaching a couple of my classes. One was Ecclesiology. In it, he recalled the now-more-published account of him and a reporter who asked him if he was eager to build his church.

John: No. I have no urge to build my church.

Interviewer: Why not? You mean you have no desire to build the church at all?

John: No. None at all. You see, Jesus said He would build His church and I'd just as soon not compete with Him.

I wish we had more pastors like that.

Jeff, thanks for your work here and thanks for stopping by my blog once in a while. Thanks also for your support on the home church issue.

I pray the best for you this coming new year.
